Este curso está homologado y es válido para oposiciones en todas las comunidades autónomas.

CLIL Methodology for Secondary School Teachers. Beginners

Thanks to the integrated learning of content and foreign languages ​​(AICLE), the knowledge of foreign languages ​​is more successful, since these are used to work on common subjects.


Imágen del curso CLIL Methodology for Secondary School Teachers. Beginners
Próximas ediciones
Detalles del curso
  • 30 horas

  • 100 % en línea

  • Sin horarios, ¡hazlo a tu ritmo!

  • Ed. Secundaria

  • Tutorizado por Andra Dumitru

  • Curso homologado

  • Baremable en oposiciones y traslados

Próximas ediciones
Detalles del curso
  • 30 horas

  • 100 % en línea

  • Sin horarios, ¡hazlo a tu ritmo!

  • Ed. Secundaria

  • Tutorizado por Andra Dumitru

  • Curso homologado

  • Baremable en oposiciones y traslados

Con este curso conseguirás...

  • To acquire the key concepts related to CLIL methodology.

  • To provide methodological and linguistic resources for implementing the methodology.

  • To provide strategies for using CLIL in class.

  • To learn how to use scaffolding strategies in order to support the language-learning process.

  • To distinguish between input and output tasks, and to use both types correctly and effectively.

  • To design a CLIL activity.

Ilustración de la mascota que acompaña el curso CLIL Methodology for Secondary School Teachers. Beginners

Introductory CLIL course addressed to secondary-education teachers. Throughout the course, students will learn a number of basic principles in the CLIL methodology and will also put theory into practice by means of hands-on activities.

Contenidos del curso

  • Module 1. Hello, CLIL! 

    • Language acquisition and foreign Language learning: An introduction to Language acquisition - Theories related to foreign Language learning - Acquisition of a foreign language in multilingual environments

    • Defining CLIL

    • What? Why? 

    • Using languages to learn and learning to use languages

  • Module 2. CLIL keys

    • The 4Cs framework: Content - Communication - Cognition - Culture

    • Oliver Meyer’s strategies for CLIL: Rich input - Scaffolding learning - The cultural dimension - Provide activities to develop High-order thinking skills

  • Module 3. CLIL task creation 

    • Scaffolding and tips for good Scaffolding: Introduction to scaffolding - Tips for good scaffolding

    • Scaffolding INPUT 

    • Examples of CLIL task for Secondary Education 

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